Navigate the Digital Landscape with Expert SEO Strategies

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Connecting you with customers one search at a time.

Our focus


SEO Audit and Competitive Analysis

We will begin with a comprehensive SEO audit of the foundation’s current digital assets, identifying areas for improvement and understanding where they stand in the competitive landscape. This includes analyzing keywords, content, site structure, and backlink profile.


Keyword Research and Strategy

Leveraging our findings, we will conduct extensive keyword research to identify high-value keywords relevant to the foundation’s objectives, audience, and the educational sector. This strategy will focus on a mix of short-tail and long tail keywords that potential donors and interested parties are likely to use in their search queries.


Content Optimization and Expansion

Recognizing the importance of quality content in SEO, we will enhance existing content and create new, informative, and engaging content that addresses the needs and interests of the foundation’s audience. This includes blog posts, articles, and landing pages that not only enrich the user experience but also improve rankings and visibility.


Technical SEO Improvements

We will address technical aspects of the website to improve crawlability and indexation by search engines. This includes optimizing site speed, ensuring mobile responsiveness, implementing structured data, and improving site architecture and navigation.


Link Building and Authority Enhancement

To increase the site’s authority and improve its ranking, we will implement a strategic link-building campaign. This involves acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sites in the education, philanthropy, and community sectors, enhancing the foundation’s online reputation.


Local SEO Optimization

Given the foundation’s strong local presence in Edmonton, we will also focus on local SEO strategies to improve visibility in local search results. This includes optimizing Google My Business listings, local citations, and targeted local content.


Analytics and Reporting

Utilizing SEO analytics tools, we will continuously monitor the website’s performance, track rankings for targeted keywords, and analyze traffic and user behavior. Regular reports will be provided to the foundation, offering insights and recommendations for ongoing optimization

We offer flexible pricing options and custom plans.

Let us propel your website to new heights and attract the attention of your target audience!

Local SEO

Advanced SEO

Technical Tools Setup

Book your consultation today.

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